meteodata | Radar

Radar Estimated Precipitation

- Using Pluvio Bias Correction

The Radar Estimated Precipitation (MQPE: Multi-Sensor Quantitative Precipitation Estimate), is shown for the past 3 hours and past 24 hours, and is upated every 10 minutes.

MQPE Past 3 Hours
QPE Image 1

MQPE Past 24 Hours
QPE Image 2

About MQPE

A Multi-Sensor QPE algorithm (MQPE) has been developed, where the radar estimated field is compared to DMI Pluvio rain gauge measurements from the same timespan, and a bias correction is performed, to account for the weaknesses of pure radar QPE. The new method is more robust and reliable, and does not have the same diverging characteristics. Please note that the data is NOT an official estimation of precipitation, and it is not independantly verified or endorced by DMI. As of the release of this product, this is the only freely available MQPE product for Denmark.