meteodata | Synop

Wind Plots

Plots showing the current wind direction, gusts and windspeed and the maximum 10-minute sustained windspeeds and gusts today. The plots are automatically generated every 10 minutes, and are available 4 minutes past the 10 minute mark.

Current Windspeed & Direction + Gusts
Current Temperature
Maximum Gusts
Max Gusts
Maximum Sustained Windspeed
Max Wind
About Wind Measurements

Values for "today" are calculated from midnight local time, (summer: 22 UTC, winter: 23 UTC). The times are given in UTC time.

All wind measurements are made in accordance with WMO standards at 10 meters above terrain using verified and calibrated anemometers. As per WMO standards, the automated weather stations (AWS) are representative of the surrounding area, (mostly, not always) away from buildings and trees, which would otherwise influence the readings.

DMI verifies all AWS that are included in the wind API call. The stations are maintained regularly and are calibrated to ensure correct readings. All stations send data every 10 minutes, while they every hour report back with the highest measurements in the latest 1 hour period. This ensures that the local peaks that happen between the discrete 10 minute intervals, are captured. Therefore, the full hour updates, often give either higher maxima, especially for the 10-minute sustained windspeed, as the full measurement is included.

In general, winds are classified following the Beaufort scale, which is an empirical scale, which follows a powerlaw. The scale is shown below. In the plots, notice that all sustained windspeeds below force 8 are not coloured, while for gusts its all below force 9 that aren't coloured.

The Beaufort wind scale in m/s.
Beaufort Scale Wind Speed (m/s) Description (English - Danish)
0 0 - 0.2 Calm - Stille
1 0.3 - 1.5 Light air - Næsten Stille
2 1.6 - 3.3 Light breeze - Svag Vind
3 3.4 - 5.5 Gentle breeze - Let Vind
4 5.6 - 7.9 Moderate breeze - Jævn Vind
5 8.0 - 10.7 Fresh breeze - Frisk Vind
6 10.8 - 13.8 Strong breeze - Hård Vind
7 13.9 - 17.1 Near gale - Kuling
8 17.2 - 20.7 Gale - Hård kuling
9 20.8 - 24.4 Strong gale - Stormende Kuling
10 24.5 - 28.4 Storm - Storm
11 28.5 - 32.6 Violent storm - Stærk Storm
12 ≥ 32.7 Hurricane - Orkan